Event handler context

Event handler functions receive two arguments: event and context.

The context object exposes the entities defined in schema.graphql and the contracts defined in ponder.config.ts.

interface Context {
  // Keyed by entity type names from schema.graphql
  entities: Record<string, EntityModel>;
  // Keyed by contract names from ponder.config.ts
  contracts: Record<string, ethers.Contract>;


context.entities an object-relational mapper for each entity in your schema.graphql. You can use these objects to insert and update entities that will be served automatically by the GraphQL server.

interface EntityModel {
  get: (id: string) => Promise<Entity | null>;
  insert: (id: string, obj: Omit<Entity, "id">) => Promise<Entity>;
  update: (id: string, obj: Partial<Omit<Entity, "id">>) => Promise<Entity>;
  delete: (id: string) => Promise<boolean>;
  upsert: (id: string, obj: Omit<Entity, "id">) => Promise<Entity>;


context.contracts contains an ethers.Contract object for each contract in your ponder.config.ts. You can use these to read data directly from the smart contract using RPC calls.


Reading directly from contracts is slow and expensive. If you're designing smart contracts that will be indexed by Ponder, try to emit events including all the data you need. If you absolutely must read from a contract, you can dramatically speed up indexing by hard-coding a block number (e.g. the contract deployment block number) which allows Ponder to cache the results. You can do this by including a final argument to your contract call like this: Contract.myFunction(...args, { blockTag: 12345 })

Last updated on February 8, 2023